Comments on: The hot corner A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Wed, 19 Jan 2011 14:12:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Springtime daydreams « The Idler Wed, 19 Jan 2011 14:12:40 +0000 […] of my goals this offseason (besides leaving the outfield behind and showing up all the other [male] third basemen in the league) was to accomplish something I haven’t done since high school: hit a triple. Another: to […]

By: Angela Vasquez-Giroux Tue, 09 Nov 2010 02:04:49 +0000 In reply to johnshinnick.

John, I too have spent the last two years with injuries — after skating thru my entire “real” playing career completely unscathed. Granted, two of my most severe recent injuries were a result of indoor soccer (one inside/outside severe ankle sprain; one severe bone bruise) but, more and more, I seem to be grinding more and gliding less. That’s part of my attraction to recapturing (or even learning for the first time, with some skills) the fundamentals and tricks of the infield. I’ve had two lessons so far, and I cannot tell you what a difference it’s made just learning to get low as I approach a grounder on my backhand or forehand (while running), etc. Amazing.

All that said, when I am ready to hang it up, or when my body makes that decision for me, 100 games a year on the radio and on television seem like an ok consolation prize.

By: johnshinnick Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:12:06 +0000 I used to play in a city league made up of magazine professionals. I hated the day when I realized I had to get out of the game entirely. Each season, it was taking me longer and longer to limber up or warm up, and each season I was getting more injuries. The worst part, I could see my aging and my decline in my batting average and in my throwing. Couldn’t hit as far, couldn’t throw as far from one season to the next. Baseball was the only part of my life where my decline was measurable. Now I watch or listen to about 100 games a year on television or radio, and follow every playoff game to the world series. No injuries to report in the last ten seasons….
