November 8-13, 2010

Today, in “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent mourns the untimely passing of Robert Schimmel in “Mister Schimmel has passed away”

In “The Cinephiles,” Kevin Mattison writes about the only person Werner Herzog ever worked with who had as much energy and passion as the infamous director, and was quite possibly crazier. Read “The madness of Klaus Kinski”

In “The Indie Gamer,” new columnist Andrew Simone plays Winter Voices, and discovers that bereavement can make for an incredibly immersive game. Read “Grief, memory, and a video game”

In “Rounding Third,” Angela Vasquez-Giroux talks about the role comic catchphrases play in helping to bear the welts and bruises of Project 3B. Read “In which I have a hard time keeping a straight face (That’s what she said)”

In “The F Word,” Jill Kolongowski discovers Cambridge’s Hungry Mother Restaurant, and tells Boston Restaurant Week to suck it. Read “The best thing I ever ate”