There is a moment towards the tail end of Rockstar Games’ epic western Red Dead Redemption when, after a long campaign filled with violence, you are finally allowed to return home to your wife and child. As you ride across the plains the soundtrack swells. It feels triumphant, sentimental and incredibly cinematic.
Yeah, she's a beaut.
An even more literal example of video game as interactive movie comes in the form of Quantic Dreams’ Heavy Rain, in which every decision, from action to dialog choice, affects the games outcome. Heavy Rain‘s story involves a serial killer and the four player-controlled characters investigating the case. Its emphasis is not on action, but plot progression and character development. And there is Uncharted 2, which features some of the best video game writing and voice acting I’ve ever heard, and plays out like an old school action serial in the vein of Indiana Jones. Films disguised as video games.
This merger of film sensibility and video game interactivity makes for an exciting future in the gaming world. In the film world, however, it hasn’t fared quite so well.
At least somebody's having fun.
Mortal Kombat’s (1995) “plot” had several human fighters being transported to an alternate dimension so that they could compete in a mixed martial arts tournament against monsters and evil wizards. You know, when you say it out loud (or type it) it sounds a little ridiculous, doesn’t it? You know what sounds even more ridiculous? Christopher Lambert playing an Asian lightning god, that’s what.
Speaking of ridiculous, there is 2005’s Doom, which starred Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and featured a sequence shot entirely in the game’s first-person shooter perspective, and House of the Dead (2003), which features actual video game footage inserted into the film! 2006’s Silent Hill was arguably one of the better video game to film adaptations, if only for maintaining the game’s unique style and look, but its nearly incomprehensible story makes for a confusing and ultimately anti-climactic film.
I believe the inherent problem here is video game fans or, more to the point, the film industry’s perception of video game fans. They believe that fans simply will not be satisfied with a high quality film that may forsake a few of the games’ details in favor of a better story. Please, stop making films based on games that won’t let us forget they are based on games! Do not try to “organically” insert game elements into the film! It is not clever.
And lastly (I am running into rant territory, after all), please spare us the games based on films as well. Aside from the LEGO series (LEGO Batman, LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Indiana Jones. Hell, I’d play LEGO Fargo!), they are lazy, clunky and wholly unnecessary. Rebuttal?