Thirteen years ago, at the age of seventeen, I saw the opening for Final Fantasy VII for the first time.

I was so excited with the opening sequence (remember this game’s graphics were incredible for the time) that I cut class for a week* and barreled through the first disk. The game itself, if you haven’t played it is massive. The scope of the world, politics, weapons, and items is an OCD completionist’s dream (nightmare?)—and my friends were all OCD completionists. Between the lot of us, about seven, we have easily played a thousand hours, if only to get to the snowboarding mini-game in the Golden Saucer. So, you shouldn’t be surprised when a series of tacit rules developed.


Naming conventions:

OCD completionist conventions.


I can’t promise I will fulfill all of these rules this time around (I don’t have the luxury of cutting work for a week**), but I would be remiss in not explaining how to play the game properly, if only for my conspirators, Daniel and Gavin, to see an opportunity to earn my respect.


*How does a seventeen year old cut class for a week without getting in caught? Well, it requires a health dose of fuck-all and an apartment owned by a college dropout who can buy beer. That time in my life is a worthy story, almost Bueller-esque, but only in the context of two packs of smokes and a bottle of Blanton’s.

**That’s a lie. I have plenty of time, I just don’t want FFVII to cut into my Cataclysm time. My level 85 Mage has a long way to go before raiding.

Read Gavin Craig’s introduction post

Read Daniel J. Hogan’s introduction post