Comments on: What kind of man dresses up like a bat?! More to the point, what kind of director puts nipples on that man’s bat costume? A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Thu, 08 Mar 2012 19:53:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Mattison Fri, 04 Feb 2011 19:25:12 +0000 1 – Thank and thank you.

2 – Batman and Robin is a headache, yes.

3 – I will not stop knocking Batman Returns! It’s ok. It’s certainly NOWHERE near the attriocity that is Batman and Robin (Or even Batman Forever, for that matter), but it’s definitely a step down for me from Batman (89). I especially stand by the fact that the Penguin sucks (in all incarnations thus far) and Catwoman (tends) to be lame as well. Pfeiffer is playing an S & M version of the Julie Newmar interpretation.

4 – Sharks rarely hang onto their victims as they’re dragged from the water without pulling off whole chunks. Does that repellent work underwater as well? You bet your sweet bippy it does.

5 – That’s phenomenal.

4 –

By: lauren Fri, 04 Feb 2011 17:44:31 +0000 Hi! A few things:

1- I loved this article. :) Kerfluffle! I love that word.

2- I completely agree with you about Batman and Robin. Ick.

3- Stop knocking Batman Returns. I don’t care what you say. I love Catwoman! I can ignore everything else.

4- I love that you mentioned the Shark Repellent. That is my favorite part.

5- In honor of Batman week I made the 1960’s TV theme my ringtone.

By: Kevin Mattison Fri, 04 Feb 2011 15:10:15 +0000 Side note: I LOVE that Batman Begins DVD cover
