FFVII: Character and materia management

Nothing like hotseating a console game with an out-of-town friend for a few days to get you long past the end of disk one.

But with controller swapping, comes strategic differences and philosophical clashes. After hashing out our differences in front of the monitor with Irish Whiskey, we came up with a standard, go-to party structure.

My general philosophy, despite what the structure of the materia system seems to imply, is to separate each character into a distinctive role. Cloud is the hearty melee fighter, Yuffie is the healer, and Cid casts most of the offensive spells. Materia configuration, of course, is always contextual but a typical setup would look like this.









  • Whatever summon materia are left that need leveling (Choco/Mog, at this point, should be maxed)
  • Long Range, since his HP is debuffed by all the magic materia
  • Bio, only if there is room.
  • Barret makes a great caster since he can almost always be placed in the back row.
  • Vincent should ALWAYS be melee since he beserks during his limit breaks.
  • Red XIII seems to have naturally high HP, so he is strong candidate for either a melee class or magic since magic materia debuff HP.