Comments on: On being lame: bringing lunch to work A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Sat, 26 Feb 2011 17:34:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: cd Sat, 26 Feb 2011 17:34:39 +0000 However, that bag of potato chips I had yesterday for lunch doesn’t count.!

By: cd Sat, 26 Feb 2011 17:32:37 +0000 Where I work, it’s either bring your lunch or eat school cafeteria food. School food is not bad if you are starving. Almost any thing is better. Lately, due to food allergies and my laziness to pack a lunch the night before and loving staying in bed until the last possible moment, I have started a food cupboard (hoarder?)of almonds, healthy fruit and nut bars, flax cereal. Of course, I drive to work so I have more options. I also have a fridge that I fill up on Monday with groceries such as salad makings along with lunch meat or tuna or a large bowl of homemade soup. So it is nice to just get ready for the weeks lunch on the weekend and then I can sleep as late as possible all week. Bad habit or guilty pleasure?! We cannot go out to lunch. It is called a working lunch!! That means grab a bite when you can!! Most times that means 20 minutes to munch while working at computer. On the rare occasion, I will take a whole hour to relax!! Shhh! Don’t tell. However, another beast that must be tamed at my work is the potluck, birthday cupcakes and multi-cultural breakfast.,etc,etc, As you stated, saying ‘No, thanks’ is usually met with someone feeling it is their personal duty to feed others or it is an offense. I have found in this case I take my own food to the gathering and no one notices once they are already eating.

By: Jess Mon, 14 Feb 2011 18:12:31 +0000 I run into this problem a lot of work, and I have a tough time turning down social time! What I usually do is agree to go out to lunch, and then order something small – a bowl of soup, an appetizer to share, whatever – and then have my brown-bagged lunch when I get back to the office. I’m too lazy to watch what I eat, so this may be more difficult for someone trying to limit portions, but this way I eat my food and it doesn’t go to waste, and I get to spend time with friends. Or for a salad, maybe take it home and have it with a smaller portioned dinner? Might also be a good idea to try to ask earlier in the week if anyone is planning on going out for lunch during the week – that way you are being social and you can plan ahead a bit.
