Comments on: Drinking & lifing A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Sat, 05 Mar 2011 17:35:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nicole Sat, 05 Mar 2011 17:35:37 +0000 I mostly gave up on social drinking toward then end of sophomore year of college, and I haven’t looked back. Still, though, it’s difficult to give up on the need to consume something while socializing…I prefer “drinks” with friends to mean “coffee or tea” with friends, and while usually cheaper than drinking alcohol, it’s not free and it’s still a crutch of some sort.

Also, glad to see you on here. Between you, Jill, and Lindsey, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to read!

By: John Fri, 04 Mar 2011 22:12:08 +0000 I am in almost exactly the same boat as you, Teal. I constantly imbibed throughout college, and to think of doing that again now that I’m nearly 30 is almost enough to make me sick. I kept it up until I turned 26, finally realizing that if I couldn’t stop then it would be nothing but trouble for the rest of my days. And now, a few years beyond, I finally see that all that “social drinking” was never as much fun as I probably perceived it. I don’t think you are the first person to come to this realization. And you’re dead on discussing how one should use their time valuably instead of wasting it away on drink. If only we were more insightful when we were in college… :) Anyways, thanks for the great piece today.
