Comments on: Time to (wo)man up: sweet potato risotto A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:49:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jill Kolongowski Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:49:38 +0000 In reply to keyryan.

That’s GENIUS. Why didn’t I think of that? I’m sure I’ll make it again, mainly for an excuse to read. :)

By: keyryan Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:24:28 +0000 Since you could make risotto I figured I could do it too. I made the sweet potato recipe I found on the Real Simple website. It called for a cup of wine and then 3.5 cups of water which left the rice nice and white. Overall it was a little bland so we added more salt, pepper and a few other spices. (The husband threw spices in recklessly, I;m not there yet in my cooking skills. As far as not multitasking went, I got bored while I stirred so I read a book over the pot.

By: Bad-assery and petty crime: risotto without a recipe « The Idler Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:53:24 +0000 […] I stirred and stirred, adding however much broth I felt like, then adding some random other ingredients—cherry tomatoes, spinach, pepper, grated parmesan, shredded parmesan—until I was all out of broth and it had been half an hour or so, which was about how long it took me to make the sweet potato risotto. […]

By: Jill Tue, 08 Mar 2011 16:29:29 +0000 It really wasn’t too bad! You both can totally do it. The only thing is that it needs constant babysitting, so don’t try to multitask. Put on some good music and stir away, and maybe use vegetable broth that isn’t brown so it doesn’t look quite so nasty.

By: Danielle Tue, 08 Mar 2011 03:08:37 +0000 Risotto has always scared me, as it seems to take for bloody ever to cook. But if a fellow amateur can woman up, so can I. Especially if it can truly be a kick ass one-pot dish in less than 30 minutes.

By: Lindsey Mon, 07 Mar 2011 21:56:59 +0000 That doesn’t sound too bad! I get tired of sweet potato dishes about five bites in, probably because sweet potatoes are so chock full of nutrients that my system can’t process what to do with it all, but I’ll have to keep this recipe in mind! Thanks, Jill!
