March 7-12, 2011

Is food about nothing but pleasure? Maybe the real problem, Teal Amthor-Shafer writes, is the way that food culture, both retail and media, targets our insecurities, offering easy pleasure through a multitude of choices, and suggesting that if we don’t feel fulfilled, it’s just because we chose the wrong one. Read “Food porn”

Kevin Mattison gives a brief synopsis of the (mostly forgettable) history of vampire films in order to show why 2008’s elegant Let the Right One In is a great film about a vampire rather than simply a vampire film. Read “Let the right one in, indeed”

The Gamers’ Club is playing Final Fantasy VII. Read “Breaking through the wall” by Gavin Craig, “Battle square” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “The end is nigh” by Andrew Simone

You love Missed Connections on Craigslist, with their always fascinating mixture of angst, longing, and hopefulness. It turns out that they make good comics too. Kate Sloan writes about Julia Wertz’s I Saw You. . . anthology in “Wanted: near misses and a little hope for love”

Ana Holguin celebrates Women’s History Month (which, by the way, should be a whole lot more than just a single month) by writing about two of her heroes, Madeleine L’Engle’s Meg Murray from A Wrinkle in Time, and Frida Kahlo. Read “Ms. March”

Lindsey Malta sure knows how to get mileage out of her monkeys. Read as she tells the story of telling a story in “Slammed at the Moth Story Slam”

In “Rounding Third,” Angela Vasquez-Giroux writes about ten things she believes in. Read “For Tim”

Sweet potato. Risotto. Shit gets real in Jill Kolongowski’s “Time to (wo)man up: sweet potato risotto”