Comments on: Eight weeks to nowhere A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Fri, 25 Mar 2011 13:06:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kate Fri, 25 Mar 2011 13:06:29 +0000 In reply to Lindsey.

Knuckle push-ups are totally bad ass!

By: Mike Vincent Wed, 23 Mar 2011 22:55:10 +0000 I was gonna try to write a column for this site about training for a 10K! Glad I didn’t now!

By: Jill Wed, 23 Mar 2011 13:49:04 +0000 Don’t give up! I never would have thought of myself as a gym-goer, but I joined a gym with an incredible set of classes. I almost never spend time on the treadmill because I would absolutely die of boredom. Classes are a great way to mix it up, and I always feel accomplished when I finish a class because there’s often a lot of cheesy clapping and such. Sort of lame, but also sort of excellent.

Also, if you can, find a running/walking group. It makes SUCH a difference if you’re training, and you can get that sense of accomplishment :)

By: Lauren Malta Tue, 22 Mar 2011 20:34:27 +0000 For the record, I’m still working on the training schedule, I’m just not nearly as far as you are. Also, I can certainly try to run a 10k with you, but you may have to have Paramedics on standby. Thirdly, I would totally be your workout partner if you wouldn’t insist on living so damn far away from me. : ) Lastly, I tried to get you some Elephants but they were on back order.

Seriously though, you set a goal, and you accomplished it. And it was a challenging goal. That’s so awesome in itself that the other stuff just doesn’t matter. Running may not be the way to whittle down the Bod for you, but at least you’re trying to do something good for yourself that you enjoy. That’s all you can do. I am damn proud of you. : ) LERVE

By: PJ2fish Tue, 22 Mar 2011 20:18:44 +0000 If you want to learn some new tricks, let me know. Exercise and me go back a LONG way.

Although I’ve done (and even won) some 10Ks, I think the 5K distance is easier to train for. I’d rather run a faster 5K than just finish a 10K. Doing interval 5K training can accomplish more fitness goals in the same amount of time as a 10K, and keep your interest up with varied workouts. You have to keep changing what you are doing when you are doing intervals, so you have to pay attention. Breaking up running training with strength training keeps the interest up too.

Cross-training also combats boredom: Monday- run, Tuesday-bike, then lift weights, Wednesday- run or swim, Thursday- weights or take a class( yoga, pilates, spin), Friday- run or bike, Saturday- something new and longer with husband- rent kayaks or canoes, go for a longer bike ride, take a dance class, take an actual hike on a nature trail, do yoga, kama sutra, whatever… That way you can feel smug about being flexible, strengthen your core, and be a little ADD about the whole fitness thing. Congrats on getting up to a 10K, but now it’s time to mix it up a bit and do intervals, strength training, and stretching to add speed, power, and flexibility. Then you’ll feel badass. Like a honeybadger.

By: Lindsey Tue, 22 Mar 2011 17:21:32 +0000 Thanks, Angela! My laziness encompasses nearly everything I do, even when it comes to eating. Cereal every morning means I can lay in bed an extra five or ten minutes, so it’s my own fault, really.

Husband is helping me work on my shoulder strength with different lifting exercises as knee push ups also make me cringe and whine so much that even I want to smack me. ;)

By: Angela Vasquez-Giroux Tue, 22 Mar 2011 17:04:32 +0000 In reply to Lindsey.

Linds — I too, have the hyper-mobile joint curse. (I can dislocate all my joints at will. Kinda gross).

That said, I modify things to get the good effect (muscle!) minus the bad (broken nose). This lady does knee push ups :)

If you need an exercise pal, lemme know — i totally get how hard it can be to go sweat solo. And, change it up — you deserve different breakfasts, lady! Just because you’re being healthy doesn’t mean you have to punish yourself :)

By: Lindsey Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:47:09 +0000 In reply to Gavin Craig.

Thanks, Gav!

As for a partner, so far I’ve found that my friends dog will jog a bit with me, so that’s something… though she never has her wallet on her when it’s time for fro-yo.

I think I’m feeling a little better about the whole thing at this point.
I’ve bumped myself up onto an advanced beginner 10K schedule now:
Race for the Cure in Detroit and the Dexter-Ann Arbor run are coming up. Husband and I are thinking to do one and/or both of those. I shall report back on the experience of finishing a “real” race when and if that happens. :)

By: Lindsey Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:37:56 +0000 In reply to Kate.

Thanks for the suggestion, Kate!
I might have to work up to that dumbbell push up row… another fun thing about my genetics is that I have joints that are hyper-mobile which means I don’t have a whole lot of stability when supporting my body weight with my arms. Lindsey + Push-ups = arms give out and face smashed on floor. On the other hand, the meager push-ups I can do, I do on my knuckles. So that’s a tweensy bit bad ass, right? Tweensy?

By: Gavin Craig Tue, 22 Mar 2011 16:08:34 +0000 I find it totally, 100% impossible to exercise on my own, largely for the reasons you talk about. It’s too easy to not do it. I get bored. And I don’t feel any particular sense of accomplishment when I’m done. This last one is especially bad because while I was a deeply mediocre athlete in high school–that is I was never competitive at anything, ever–I was in far better shape than I am today. My personal best 20-minute 5K was 2 minutes slower than would have even been respectable at the time, but considering that I struggle for a 10-minute mile, it’s probably 15-20 minutes faster than I could do now.

At which point, why bother? I could walk three miles in 40 minutes.

But anyway, the best advice I can offer is to find a partner. It won’t exactly make things fun, but just having someone there does wonders to push you an extra minute or two. And it means that someone is right there when you meet a goal, and can take you for a low-fat fro-yo, or whatever it is that fitness people eat to celebrate.

Congratulations. A 10K is a bitch, and you’re awesome for having done it.
