Comments on: Record Store Day A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Fri, 17 Jun 2011 03:47:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Vincent Fri, 17 Jun 2011 03:47:19 +0000 Looking back now, with the vantage point of a few months, I don’t think I was being a phony. I was trying to be honest and conflicted about how I was feeling at the time. Do I still feel that way? Not really. Honestly I didn’t care about this event until I discovered that there was a store where I live who celebrated it.

Oh I know it is an addiction. I remember those feelings vividly.

I don’t hate my life, quite the contrary. I think, again with the benefit of reflection, that I got caught in the grips of nostalgia. And then I got sentimental, which is the un-earned emotion.

Every second of my life has led up to now, and it led up to when I wrote and posted this story. I wouldn’t change anything.

Thanks for reading!

By: Fix Tue, 24 May 2011 10:20:13 +0000 1. You call the sponsors crooks but you readily admit that you would celebrate the event if you could. Who’s the phony?

2. Sure it’s just one day, but it still creates more revenue for the store. Store owners wouldn’t take part if there were no incentive.

3. As a former geek yourself, you should know that it’s an addiction. They are spotty and unwashed because they spend all their money and time on music. Yes, they’re trying to improve their own little worlds but who in this world isn’t? You having a family doesn’t make you any better.

4. You clearly don’t hate the event at all. You just hate your life. People who are truly happy don’t “suppose” they are happy; they know it and feel it every waking moment. Just like you did when you were listening to music 16 hours a day.
