Comments on: Pandering with p-words A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:02:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rounding Third: year one « The Idler Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:02:09 +0000 […] Having a bunch of smart bastards around has challenged me, too, to think about my beloved baseball in different ways. Kate Sloan’s piece on the homoerotic overtones of The Dark Knight Returns not only inspired me to read the graphic novel (which was AWESOME) but to think harder about the role of sex, sexuality and gender in baseball. Without Kate’s work, I don’t think I’d have written “Pandering with p-words.” […]

By: Angela Vasquez-Giroux Wed, 29 Jun 2011 16:20:03 +0000 In reply to Michelle.

Michelle, I agree completely. There’s nothing that ruins a good game for me like announcers salivating over the eye candy, or being forced to consider eye candy as a legitimate source of value necessary to the broadcast.

I remember, years ago, watching a FOX football broadcast and one of the announcers (JB, I think?) repeating over and over as the Jessica Alba “Dark Angel” promo aired (constantly throughout the broadcast) that she was a “great looking girl,” etc etc etc.

You could almost hear him licking his lips.

Between that and Jenn Sterger, famous for her FSU cleavage, I think we’ve reached a new banner low.

By: Michelle Wed, 29 Jun 2011 12:39:03 +0000 “Lauren” and “Allison” do nothing to enhance Detroit’s reputation as a Great Sports City, and I doubt that they make any money for FSD. If anything, a certain percentage of us are changing the channel in order to escape them.

By: Jeanette Tue, 28 Jun 2011 16:23:55 +0000 Angela, I totally agree – I’m sick to death of t&a. So disrespectful to women and doesn’t say much about the powers that be who put this on.
