Comments on: Catharsis in F major A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Mon, 03 Oct 2011 18:21:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Carpenter Mon, 03 Oct 2011 18:21:50 +0000 You have a rather curious definition of “next week.” Do you define next week the same way that Christians who are desperate to make Genesis and Evolution compatible assert that “a day could be a million years for God”?

By: Chris Carpenter Sun, 31 Jul 2011 14:13:09 +0000 When I was a young psychology student, I took a developmental psychology class. This class often irked me because it seemed as though developmental psychology is built around the proposition that at certain ages, there is a developmentally normal “ideal” that when deviated from indicated deviance. If you were not acting in a particular way by a particular age, there was something wrong with you that needed to be fixed. This assumption carries into adulthood. When you are an adult, you are supposed to get a career, a spouse, and children. Deviation from this path again indicates deviance or at best, immaturity. Given that there really hasn’t been any point in my life during which I was considered normal, I was offended by these assumptions. The problem is that sometimes people deviate from the norm because they truly are radically different in their psychological needs and sometimes they deviate because there really is something wrong with them.

The point of all this rambling is to ask you which one are you? Are you skeptical of serious romantic commitment because you have unresolved issues that require therapy or is it because your particular set of emotional needs are drastically different from the norm such that you would be happier living on your own? I think the answer is this: there is a very, very small number of people out there with whom you would be happy in a committed relationship. If you met such a person, you might seriously consider a committed relationship. On the other hand, you are fully capable of being happy on your own. The solution then is to not worry about it, do your late night arts and crafts, and if one day you get hit over the head (metaphorically of course) so be it. If not, get a good job, and occasionally visit foreign countries where you don’t speak the language so you don’t have to worry about talking to them the next morning.

By: lincoln56 Sat, 30 Jul 2011 14:51:14 +0000 Jesus. * “There is no direct correlation between…”

By: lincoln56 Sat, 30 Jul 2011 14:45:16 +0000 Funny. Reminded me of an Elif Batuman piece.

John Steinbeck, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Kid Rock end sentences with prepositions.

Tthere is no direct correlation with I.Q. and sexual acumen
