August 1-6, 2011

Conventional wisdom is that the $60-per-title console video game is dying, and this could be really bad for games that want to tell a story. Gavin Craig says that the video game is dead, long live the video game. Read “Let me tell you a story”

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by his record collection, Mike Vincent decides to thin things out a little, and finds himself looking forward. Read “The language of letting go”

Kate Sloan takes a look at the failure of Borders, the success of Strand, and how sometimes life is not like Meg Ryan movie. Read “To the mattresses”

Have you been to Las Vegas? Neither have I, but Ana Holguin has, and she gives you the skinny on what to love and hate about your visit in “The non-woo-girl’s guide to Vegas”

It’s no secret that Rosebud is the empty center of Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane. It’s also, Tim Carmody says, the ultimate end of the way Charles Foster Kane uses items to signify attachment, and gifts to demand the love of the people around him. Read “Kane’s gifts”

Lindsey Malta always lives every week like it’s Shark Week. Especially when it actually is Shark Week. And it is Shark Week. Read “The most wonderful time of the year”

Jill Kolongowski is starting to feel more comfortable in the kitchen, except when she’s cooking for her awesome (and only slightly scary) grandparents. Read “Cigarettes and coffee: cooking for my grandparents”