Comments on: Paul Newman is hot A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:03:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: If you liked « The Idler Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:03:55 +0000 […] Netflix. Sometimes I’ve just had enough of watching Doctor Who and Upstairs, Downstairs and even Paul Newman. Sometimes I just want to see something I haven’t seen […]

By: A noob watches Doctor Who « The Idler Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:01:15 +0000 […] more about me than about the show, but I’m not really that much into dangerous men. (Ok, given my previous attestations of love for Paul Newman, that might not be entirely true, though I will stand by my position that his dangerous persona […]

By: The newspapers of yore « The Idler Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:01:10 +0000 […] your proper fix, Absence of Malice (1981) is finally back on Netflix Instant. You all already know how I feel about Paul Newman and he’s in fine form here. But you also get a searching look at the ethics of reporting as well […]

By: why blog once when you can blog twice or even thrice? » Sarah Werner Tue, 30 Aug 2011 01:15:55 +0000 […] got nothing to do with books or libraries and it’s good fun. My first piece was on why Paul Newman is hot. I’m not sure why that’s a question anyone would ask–who cares WHY he’s […]

By: ana Thu, 18 Aug 2011 14:10:50 +0000 Paul Newman IS hot. and i like his dressing…and undressing.

By: Sarah Werner (@wynkenhimself) Wed, 17 Aug 2011 15:30:24 +0000 I need to watch more of Paul Newman from the 1980s on, but there’s so little of that on Netflix Instant. Neither Absence of Malice nor Nobody’s Fool are on there now, but never fear, I’ll be keeping my eye out for them, so thanks for the recs!

Leslie: Yes, Paul Newman is much more than just hot, I agree. Painfully beautiful is how I describe him in that opening paragraph, and I completely agree that he gets even sexier as he gets older. And I know exactly what you mean about wishing you knew him–especially after those earlier films, when he walks on screen, you think, oh yes, there he is. He’s both familiar and wonderful. Maybe I’ll have to do a follow-up post on his later years!

By: Leslie Healey (@1healigan) Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:18:45 +0000 He wasn’t hot, he was sexy: verrry different (and yes, I am that old). Sexy is when the power of the personality shows in the physical presence. Hot seems to be often very calculated to present a physical package that is irresistible. No hint of what’s underneath. Newman got sexier as he got older. Every single movie I saw ended with me wishing I knew him. The first time I saw The Long Hot Summer I was afraid my TV would melt. Almost did. You gotta watch Nobody’s Fool someday–old as he was, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the young Melanie Griffith was ready to chuck it all for him.

By: @Panger2011 Wed, 17 Aug 2011 13:49:42 +0000 Highly recommend adding 1981’s Absence of Malice with Sally Field. Middle-aged heat – effortless – plus Miami, a then-surprising turn from the former Flying Nun, and a good story that’s as relevant today as ever..
