Comments on: Movie sign with Mystery Science Theater 3000 A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:18:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Play Dirty « The Idler Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:18:43 +0000 […] One of the perks of Netflix Watch Instant is I can take a chance on something, without the risk of wasting a few days waiting for a DVD to arrive. I can browse, try something for a few minutes, and if I don’t enjoy the flick, I just hit stop and find something else (which usually ends up being an episode of MST3K). […]

By: Barry Goodall Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:19:09 +0000 In reply to Daniel J. Hogangan.

If MST3K were a food, I’d be 700 pound happy man wearing assorted muumuu’s and have to be fork lifted off the couch.

My top 5 favorite episodes but I love every episodes like an estranged child.

1. Final Sacrifice – Rowsdooower! Never has Canada been so funny…well maybe except for curling. “I wonder if there’s beer on the sun!” more denim in that movie than should be allowed by Canadian law.

2. Legend of Boggy Creek 2. Despite I’ve been mispronouncing it “Boogie Creek” all these years I still find the redneck jokes hilarious. If you get the chance be sure to check out the original Boggy Creek as it’s actually a pretty creepy pseudo-documentary. Boggy Creek 2 on the other hand is creepy mainly due to the tiny man shirts and a scrawny cracker boy who refuses to wear a shirt.

3. Hobgoblins – If Gremlins was made a coke smoking high school drop out. The rake fight scene is often compared to the climatic light saber dual in Phantom Menace only better!

4. Pod People – Alf terrorizes a small boy when his TV show is canceled killing dozens of teenagers and forest rangers. “Trumpy, you can do stupid stuff!” I still quote the heck out of this episode “Huzzzaaaahhh!!” usually when it’s not appropriate to say “Huzzaaaah!”

5. Manos: The Hands of Fate – roughly translated in “Hands: the hands of fate.” The only episode I had to take a shower after watching, but still couldn’t scrub the shame away. “Time to hit the stain!” Probably the best movie ever made by a Texas fertilizer salesman.

And in case ye’all didn’t know there’s a 24hrs MST3K channel on So you too can now be as unproductive as me.

By: Daniel J. Hogan Thu, 01 Sep 2011 19:32:50 +0000 In reply to Daniel J. Hogan.

“Mike, can you hand me my plans? Thanks! Hmm. Breach Hull, all Die. Even had it underlined.” – perhaps my favorite joke of MST3K the Movie.

By: Daniel J. Hogangan Thu, 01 Sep 2011 19:30:42 +0000 In reply to mvl.

I love-love-love Riding with Death and Space Mutiny. “Hi, I’m Ben Murphy!”

By: mvl Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:42:24 +0000 My faves are Werewolf (Warwilf), Riding With Death (Being Ben Murphy) and Space Mutiny (Brick Lunkchest).

Time Chasers (Big and Pink) is also freaking hilarious.

By: Gavin Craig Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:22:32 +0000 In reply to Daniel J. Hogan.

“Don’t forget the french fried potato garnish, Joel you magnificent bastard!”

By: Daniel J. Hogan Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:20:03 +0000 In reply to Lindsey.

Thanks! I Accuse My Parents is a classic, and was almost on my list. Love this show, so much.

By: Lindsey Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:14:39 +0000 I’ve got the Wild Wild World of Batwoman on VHS! My GOD it’s a mess!
I Accuse My Parents is also a FANTASTIC episode.
As for The Movie: I spent the better part of an entire summer watching it repeatedly. “Then I ram my ovipositor down your throat, and lay my eggs in your chest! But I’m *not* an alien!”
I have nothing but respect and awe for your obsession. :)
