Comments on: Diary of a Casual Gamer: year one A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Thu, 22 Sep 2011 21:24:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gavin Craig Thu, 22 Sep 2011 21:24:41 +0000 In reply to Dan Reiff.

Dan! However unreasonable or ill-considered my ad hominem attacks may have been, I’m genuinely pleased that you stopped by. Whatever I feel about the way the site ended, Ditching Otis was a fun site to write for, and I do wish it were still around.

By: Dan Reiff Thu, 22 Sep 2011 17:24:11 +0000 Hi kids, what up. This is douche-bag. Glad to see you are enjoying blogging and I had a hand in that. A few observations:

1. The internet is a fairly public venue, so it’s probably best to play nice.
2. I busted my ass on Ditching Otis, it took a great deal of my spare time.
3. I never expected it to be a great money making venture, it was mostly for fun. If money was ever to eventually come, that would have been welcome & cool, but D.O. was most definitely a side project. Like Jason said, I was earnestly trying to find a way to compensate participation.
4. While D.O. had a respectable spike in traffic for a few weeks, for whatever reason that dwindled. Both traffic and contributions slowed to a crawl at the end there. (as I suspect is the case with many thousands of other websites and blog attempts).
5. The discussion regarding the why and how was open and frank. It took place on a public Google Wave, which was where all D.O. business was ultimately conducted (including it’s creation).
6. Glad to see you didn’t lose any content. I warned everyone to have a backup on the writer’s guidelines which I published on wave and distributed via email. Of course, I still had access to archives for some time, so in the case anybody did need something, all one needed to do was ask.
7. I wasn’t aware that I owed anybody anything or any contracts were violated. On my end, the site was virtually dead. It become a drain of my resources. Certainly, no breech of trust occurred that warrants me being publicly denounced as a douche-bag.
8. I don’t specifically remember making any references to Ayn Rand in particular, (though I could be wrong), but I will concede to citing the Austrian school of economics and leading with a libertarian influenced bias. Further, it’s not fair to call me “Ayn Rand loving” in an ad hominem nature. I do not even consider myself an objectivist – on the contrary, I am more of a transhumanist with pancritical rationalism as my epistomology. But I respect Ayn Rand, just as I respect many other authors and viewpoints.
9. The ads selling gold investments are what paid for the site in the first place. And as annoying as I may be when I talk about gold, the metal is worth more right now than it ever has been. Gold was and is an excellent recommendation for financial security.


By: Gavin Craig Wed, 21 Sep 2011 16:17:03 +0000 In reply to Jason McCaffrey.

Actually, happily, I was posting my D.O. pieces to my personal blog after the fact, so I didn’t lose anything that time–except the comments, which is sad. But not that sad.

But it’s not a totally abstract argument. I have lost things before, and it’s still kinda not cool.

By: Jason McCaffrey Wed, 21 Sep 2011 15:52:16 +0000 Gavin, I can totally see that frustration about not having the opportunity to archive work. To be honest, it never crossed my mind and I would have been pissed too if I lost all of my work. While I was writing my first article for D.O. the editor crashed and I lost an hour or so of work. At that point I decided to do all of my writing in Google docs and then cut and paste the content over to the D.O. editor. So I’m sitting from the comfy position of having a back up. I’m sorry you lost all of that writing. That is a total bummer.

By: Gavin Craig Mon, 19 Sep 2011 23:45:36 +0000 Jason, Thank you for the comment! And having been pressed, I’ll freely admit to giving too much weight to my own speculation and conclusions. That is, while I’ve given an accurate account of how I felt, I’m really pleased to have the story fleshed out a bit with a few more facts.

Ditching Otis was a fun site to contribute to, and I’ve missed reading the people who wrote for the site. (Especially Chris Hooley’s video game writing.) I wouldn’t have railed against its death quite so violently had it not been a rewarding project to have been a part of.

At the same time, while I’m happy to back off of my ultimate indictment of Dan, which is more than a little mitigated by the knowledge that he had always intended to pay contributors, I’d still make a criticism that’s a bit stronger than that he didn’t communicate well when he decided to shut down the site. Pulling down the site without any warning or any chance for the authors to archive their work treated the writing on the site as if it were Dan’s to dispose of. That is, as if it had been actually paid for instead of having been intended to have been paid for. (Which is, to be fair, nowhere near the level of the douche-baggery of the Huffington post, where a few people make a lot of money off not paying a large number of people for their work.)

But all in all, as I’ve hinted at if not stated explicitly, I do owe Dan a genuine debt of gratitude for having gotten Kevin and me off our respective asses. The Idler wouldn’t exist without Ditching Otis. So thanks, Dan, wherever you are.

By: Jason McCaffrey Mon, 19 Sep 2011 19:20:40 +0000 I wholeheartedly agree that Dan, founder of, is a fan of Ayn Rand, annoying when he starts going on a tangent about the importance of gold, and showed a lack of grace in tearing down the site without warning to all of us writers. However, I still must rise to the defense of my groomsman in response to this article. You state he “shut down Ditching Otis because he decided that he wasn’t going to make any money off a site he wasn’t paying people to contribute to,” which isn’t exactly false, but it’s also misleading.

Perhaps you’re not privy to the truth on this matter. He was in the process of trying to figure out a pay structure for writers. When only a couple people were contributing regularly (which I believe may have been just you and Kevin), he was having a hard time figuring out a pay structure to fairly compensate people. Since he would have found it easier to fairly compensate people if everyone was contributing evenly, he went on a campaign to wrangle his writers that were contributing less to contribute more (including yours truly). After a decent effort to get his writers to write more, he decided he didn’t intend to sign up for this level of micromanagement and wasn’t interested in putting forth as much effort as he was expending in what would only at its height be able to be labeled a hobby.

So instead of saying he “shut down Ditching Otis because he decided that he wasn’t going to make any money off a site he wasn’t paying people to contribute to,” it would be more accurate to say he “shut down Ditching Otis because he decided that NO ONE WAS going to be able make any money off a site he ALWAYS PLANNED ON paying people to contribute to.” It’s an important distinction. You seem to imply Dan was hoping to make money off of your efforts, but he was trying to make money off of his own efforts and provide a way for you to make money off of your efforts. It was a failed experiment.

I think he was a little delusional in the amount of work he thought it would take to generate an income from a blogging website. I personally felt a little betrayed the first time I tried to check after it was pulled down. But Dan is no self-centered douche bag. At worst, I think he is guilty of a lack of communication at the death of Otis. I have known the man for 17 years and while our politics wildly differ, I’m here to tell you that he is a fantastic human being whom I would go to the end of the earth for.

I have enjoyed watching the successes of The Idler. I feel like I have a dog in this fight knowing this evolved from Ditching Otis. Kevin offered me a spot back when this glorious site got started and I only turned it down because my experience on Otis showed me that I don’t have time to be a contributing team member. But I’ve watched with a lot of pride as Kevin posts about some of the successes The Idler has achieved, being linked to from cool sites and increasing traffic. Congratulations on the fantastic community you guys have developed. I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the contributing members of The Idler.
