September 19-23, 2011

Paul Thomas Anderson’s first film, Hard Eight, is a Vegas movie that isn’t about Vegas, a gangster movie that isn’t about gangsters. Mostly, according to Kevin Mattison, it’s a film about how family isn’t just about blood, or at least not the kind of blood that you normally think about when you say family is about blood. Read “Family, the hard way”

Confused by this whole Netflix/Qwikster thing? Who’s doing discs? What the hell is a “Qwikster,” anyway? Sarah Pavis sorts it out for you, mostly, in “Parallel universes In which Netflix becoming Qwikster makes sense”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Getting started, getting started” by Gavin Craig, “A spiteful crow stole my breadroll” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “I just don’t know” by Andrew Simone

Lindsey Malta isn’t feeling well, so she spends some time with The Doctor. Doctor who, you say? Exactly. Read “The Doctor is in”