Comments on: Radio gaga A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Tue, 25 Oct 2011 21:37:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Hines Tue, 25 Oct 2011 21:37:20 +0000 Nice! Don’t think radio is going to die too soon, though. Most forms of media, in fact DO NOT die when new media comes along. They assume new roles. Handwriting was not “killed” by printing. Print was not killed by radio. Radio was not killed by television. Nor was print killed by television. Etc. etc.

We tend to talk too loosely about one technology killing another, or the phenomenal growth of new media (e.g. tablets constitute, what, 2% of Internet traffic? Will that number ever be 10? 20? 50?). Anyhow these phenomena are a lot more complex than we usually recognize if we just read novelty-driven media. Past forms and technologies often hang around for way longer than anyone tells us about. There are probably far more people using explorer 5 (released in 1999) than are using tablets.

Radio will assume new roles as stuff like customized music channels assume theirs and broadband-based media reach more and more places. But I imagine broadcast–one-way, yes, but very very efficient, and, at its best, communal–will have a role. What will it be? I have some ideas ;-)
