Comments on: Winter in California: turkey white bean pumpkin chili A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Sun, 20 Nov 2011 03:33:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Angela Sun, 20 Nov 2011 03:33:37 +0000 Tip from Rick — before cooking any meat, always add salt and pepper. For some reason that man can make anything have flavor. Look forward to seeing you in a few days darling!

By: Jill Kolongowski Mon, 14 Nov 2011 19:13:16 +0000 In reply to Bridget.

I actually live in fear of doing that, so I always end up just cooking it on high for a shorter period of time and having a really late dinner, rather than leaving the crock pot on low all day. The likelihood of burning my house down just seems way too high :)

By: Bridget Mon, 14 Nov 2011 19:05:22 +0000 I made a white bean chicken chili the other week, but got stuck at work/class while the meat cooked…for 11 hours. The recipe called for 3-5. So I know exactly what you mean about adding broth until it looks edible. Adventures in cooking!!

By: Jill Kolongowski Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:48:14 +0000 In reply to Amy.

I’m both terrified of undercooking and paranoid about burning things. It’s a problem. Thanks for reading, miss Amy!

By: Amy Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:16:37 +0000 I’m with you on the overcooking turkey. I love cooking complicated things, but give me a simple piece of chicken (or ground turkey) and all of a sudden I’m a kid without training wheels for the first time. Am I overcooking it? It can’t be done yet, right? Probably I’m going to give everyone food poisoning, right?

By: Saundra Mon, 14 Nov 2011 15:28:17 +0000 I don’t think you messed up cooking it–ground turkey on its own is pretty tasteless. I only use it when I know I’m going to be adding a lot of flavor. Still, sounds delicious!

By: carol Mon, 14 Nov 2011 14:35:24 +0000 Is it soup yet? I could almost smell it from Michigan. Looking forward to trying this recipe because we had a dozen pumpkins to get rid of and I am looking for ways to cook with it. I think I might try this recipe with leftover thanksgiving turkey. ( if there is any!)

I saw a recipe for pumpkin pancakes! We are having fresh pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving! Maybe that is why your nickname is “punkun” !
