December 12-16, 2011

Kevin Mattison is a man who spends a lot of time sitting in the dark, but he sheds some light on his end-of-the-year desires in his “Cinephiles Wishlist”

Kelly Hannon loves bookstores — she works in one — and she loves Netflix and Hulu. What then to make of’s recent promotion which effectively turned ordinary consumers into operatives against their local brick-and-mortar bookstores in return for a 5% credit? Read “Ambivalently anti-Amazon”

While the scientific evidence backing up the severity of the long-term impact of repeated had trauma in sports seems to be growing, there’s a lot left to be sorted out. Yael Borofsky argues that while it’s true that any action that the NHL takes on head trauma will be a policy decision and not a scientific one, the time for action is still now. Read “What science doesn’t say about head trauma”

Like a lot of people, when Netflix split up (and increased prices for) streaming and DVD subscriptions, Sarah Werner went streaming-only. There are a few things that you can only watch on disc, and Sarah makes some recommendations in “Going back to the disc”

Jason Segel may be able to get the Muppets back together, but he can’t take them home again. Ana Holguin gives you a tour of her (and their) postmodern crisis in “Where have all the Muppets gone?”

The Friendly Foodie apparently has a bit of a sweet tooth at the end of the year. Check out his wishlist (which really isn’t about food at all) in “The Friendly Foodie’s Wishlist”

Hockey is clearly the sport best suited to the winter holidays, and Yael Borofsky drops the end-of-the-year puck in her “Over the Boards Wishlist”

One of the burdens of growing up is the office holiday party. Jill Kolongowski steers you past the common obstacles (or at least lets you know that they’re there) in “Holiday party food and foibles: grown-up edition”