January 16-20, 2012

While it’s probably not surprising that rich kids have a leg up in the music industry, why is it that some sons of privilege just rub you the wrong way, and some, well, don’t? Mike Vincent takes on a couple of recent examples in “Phonies”

Having love trouble? Always find yourself dating the wrong kind of guy? The solution isn’t to change your type, but to choose the right person in your type. Unless your type is Jersey Shore. Then it might be hopeless. Ana Holguin helps you sort it out in “Date this, not that”

Sarah Werner reads her Sunday paper and watches a pair of documentaries about “The Old Gray Lady.” Read “The newspapers of yore”

As appealing as watching Colin Firth as Fitzwilliam Darcy one more time might be, Kelly Hannon gives P. D. James’ Pride and Prejudice sequel Death Comes to Pemberley a go. Is it a disaster or a new favorite? Find out in “An old favorite in new hands”

If you ever see someone stealthily tucking away a mangled piece of chicken in their napkin, don’t be offended. The tasteful picky eater tries to suffer in silence, but it’s not always easy to do. Jill Kolongowski offers to guide you through it in “On faking it: Dinner etiquette with a picky eater”