Comments on: Of Twitter and tifosi A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:02:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: So you’re going to the USGP « The Idler Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:02:09 +0000 […] McLaren follow-up piece languishes, almost-but-not-quite there. In the meantime, I was asked by friends to […]

By: Steve Matchett Sat, 22 Sep 2012 00:14:17 +0000 “Let your eye trace the curve of the nose into the cockpit, winnowing around the engine and skimming over the low rear wing.” Winnowing… see, this is exactly why Dr. Hansman’s a doctor and everything… and I ain’t. I must try over the weekend to work winnowing into a conversation.

Another really cool article, Erin; I get a great sense of your voice coming through these printed words; I like it. A lot.

By: Doug Bryan Fri, 21 Sep 2012 14:04:25 +0000 When Formula One comes to mind I (like most) immediately think of the ongoing battle between Ferrari and McLaren. The Titans of Grand Prix racing. Another great column by the good doctor and a cliffhanger no less. I imagine finishing this article with just one more installment will be difficult.The only criticism I have is I must wait two weeks to read more!
