Comments for A U.S. Webzine: 2010-2013 Thu, 30 May 2013 12:34:09 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Even marriages end when you die, Kaidan by Stephen King Thu, 30 May 2013 12:34:09 +0000 Rock solid, and hilarious. I dumped Ashley after getting real tired of her crap in the third one, and was pleasantly surprised when things started up with Liara (who I’d really grown to love as a character starting with Shadow Broker, and who I’d been lead to believe was out of play, romance wise, due to not having a previous relationship with her). As the good Commander Bedlam stated above, Liara went a little crazy trying to bring me back to life and to keep my corpse unmolested… Ashley was just a catty, selfish b*tch about me not calling her while I was dead.

Comment on Even marriages end when you die, Kaidan by cdrbedlam Fri, 24 May 2013 15:15:20 +0000 This is funny! At least, Liara did her best to do something about your death while the Virmire survivors threw bitch fits hahaha.

As for me, my bro shep is sticking with Miranda even if mine hooked up with Liara. Sorry, it was just a fling!

Comment on About by Tom Hodgkinson Fri, 03 May 2013 16:06:18 +0000 I now notice that you are using our name on Twitter. This is a polite request to desist. Could I also have a reply to my emails about your name. Tom Hodgkinson

Comment on (Half) Marathon woman by Michele Dyer Wed, 01 May 2013 13:43:59 +0000 What a great piece! You are so honest and real. AND an athlete! Congratulations!

Comment on (Half) Marathon woman by Robinson Wed, 01 May 2013 13:07:20 +0000 You described my view on sports in school to a “T”.

The “Alone” part gets me before a race when I am just standing around without knowing anyone, and after as well (unless my wife/kids have come to cheer me on.) But during the race, I always feel like I belong – surrounded by other people that are also running their own race. When I ran in NY, you could say something to the fellow runners nearby, and get some sort of response. IT made me feel like I was part of something.

GREAT finish! And gaining a memory to hang on to – that shows you ARENT alone out there running!

Comment on The madness of Klaus Kinski by The One About The London Book Fair | Hello you...the blog of Yasmin Selena Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:42:49 +0000 […] If that had happened to Gunshot Glitter I would have wept, gone insane and probably executed a Werner Herzog/Klaus Kinski […]

Comment on Dispatches from the capital wasteland by The Pac-Man, the Plumber, and the Cabinet: A New Hope | Wed, 03 Apr 2013 14:00:29 +0000 […] and it’s part of my attempt to tackle the second of my Nerd Year Resolutions. Check out my first piece here. I’ll be putting something up over there every other Friday, so feel free to visit […]

Comment on They’re watching you by Jeffrey Johnson Fri, 29 Mar 2013 05:36:44 +0000 In reply to Nicholas Ditto.

Thanks, Nicholas. I appreciate the nice words.

Comment on The strong weak man by learn more here Thu, 28 Mar 2013 17:14:52 +0000 Magnificent website. Lots of helpful info here. I’m sending it to some friends ans also sharing in delicious. And naturally, thanks on your effort!

Comment on They’re watching you by Nicholas Ditto Thu, 28 Mar 2013 14:46:46 +0000 Fantastic post! I’ve heard a lot of hype about private eye, but thanks to your article i understand what it is all about. I can’t wait to read it and I look forward to reading your future posts.
