In honor of the upcoming The Dark Knight sequel (and the continuing and somewhat problematic Christian Bale interpretation of Bruce Wayne), here are five key traits of the Batman, according to Gavin. (Sources will be cited, but like Frank Miller’s bat-universe, my bat-universe may diverge slightly from accepted continuity.)
1. Bruce Wayne is the mask. Batman is the real identity
"Over the Edge"—Batgirl dies. (No, that's not a spolier. That's the beginning of the episode.)
2. Never during the day
This is a throw-off line from Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One, which writers ignore at their peril. The Bat doesn’t make public appearances. He doesn’t testify in court. The only time you will ever see him is when he takes you down or saves your life, and even then, only for a moment. The Bat only works as a secret, a rumor, a myth. The Bat can never be captured, tied up, or examined under light. The mask is flimsy, and the only way to keep someone from pulling it off is to wear it sparingly. Other masks (see #1) are more durable, and just as useful.
3. The utility belt has a finite number of pouches
Batman: Year One Hundred has the best take on this. Making Bruce Wayne a man with unlimited resources is ultimately a mistake. Batman is interesting only in his limitations. No superpowers. The only available tools are what he can carry silently. In this spirit, there is no Batmobile. (Also see #2.) Batman does not travel in a marked car that stops at traffic lights and signals left turns. If he drives, it is in an unmarked car, without the mask. Motorcycles make more sense, since a helmet is a mask, but still only something plain and unmarked. Something that can be abandoned.4. There is something deeply wrong with Batman
Grant Morrison’s Arkham Asylum is a good source for this. Batman can’t be written as totally crazy, because the sense of right and wrong is so essential, but Batman is so hell-bent on rightness, on structure because of something missing inside of himself. He has to spend every moment of his life building order out of chaos because he doesn’t have that order inside of him. Detective fiction is also instructional: Batman is obsessive/compulsive (look at his trophy room in the Batcave), and either a bit autistic or sociopathic. He remembers everything and constantly has to organize the information in his head before he loses his place. He can’t relate to people, but is a tremendous actor. He’s jarringly detached, but he can never let go of anything.
5. Jason Todd
He was Robin. He died. He’s dead. Bringing Jason Todd back was the worst decision a Batman writer has ever made, and that’s saying a lot. The false Jason Todd in the Hush storyline is interesting. Jason Todd really being alive is not. Losing a Robin, and the guilt Batman feels (or doesn’t feel?) about it is key to his character. His inability to stop using a sidekick is key, too. Hell, at the time she replaced Tim Drake, Batman didn’t even like Stephanie Brown. Why do children keep seeking the Batman out, and why is he, the strongest will in the DC universe, unable to say no?
Gavin Craig is co-editor of The Idler. You can follow him on Twitter at @craiggav.