One and done

Comic books aren’t great with beginnings and endings, to be honest. As a serialized medium, very few stories have their complete start and finish in a single volume and often rely on a whole host of other stories to make complete sense. When I was a kid, though, nobody I knew really cared if it … Continue reading

The darkest of knights

I was recently at a party in which I met a gentleman who tried to convince me that the third Matrix film is the finest of the trilogy. Needless to say, I was aghast and spent the next several minutes arguing against this delusional notion until finally my wife wisely and diplomatically separated me from … Continue reading

Not just for kids

I spent my summer watching superhero movies. We went through all of the X-Men movies, saw The Avengers at least five times which led to rewatching the Iron Man movies as well, and after watching all three of Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies my husband encouraged me to watch the 1992 Batman: The Animated Series. When … Continue reading

52/1: The Bat

One year into DC’s reboot of their primary continuity, known as the New 52, Idler comics writer Matt Santori-Griffith and co-editor Gavin Craig are taking stock of some of the high points. This week, at Gavin’s insistence, they’re starting things off by talking about Batman and Batman and Robin. — Matt: Jumping right in, have … Continue reading

Bogey men

When I was a little kid, probably about six or seven years old, I had this recurring nightmare: A tall thin man would float outside my second floor bedroom window. He was always dressed in a black business suit, and had a gaunt profile with thinning white hair. I could never quite make out his features through the … Continue reading

No more LEGOs


I’m done. That is, I’m not quite done, but I’m done. I own several of the Traveler’s Tales LEGO video games. I’ve played the first two LEGO Star Wars games on my GameCube. I unlocked all of the characters, collected all of the mini-kits, earned True Jedi on every level, and unlocked all of the … Continue reading

The badges behind the bat

One of the best things to come out of Batman: The Animated Series—and there were a number of great things that came out of Batman: The Animated Series—was the character of Renee Montoya. As a uniformed patrolwoman, Montoya starts off as the smart, straight-laced junior foil to the self-serving, corner-cutting, Batman-hating Detective Harvey Bullock. They’re … Continue reading


I have always loved Batman. Always. Once of the greatest thrills I have encountered as a parent has been my son’s love of Batman. It sure seems easier now to be a fan at a young age, what with all the cartoons on the tube or the toys at the fast food joints. For this … Continue reading

What kind of man dresses up like a bat?! More to the point, what kind of director puts nipples on that man’s bat costume?

Batman first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in 1939.  Since then he has been called The Bat-Man, the Caped Crusader, the World’s Greatest Detective and the Dark Knight, amongst other names. He is a character that has been lent to as many interpretations as nicknames (more, actually) over the years and has graced the silver … Continue reading

Encyclopedia Batannica

Riddle me this: Who is your favorite Batman? For me it’s a toss up between the super cheesy Bat-dork of TV and the uber gritty reeeeally-needs-a-therapist types. For Batman Week my husband and in-house Batman expert, Matthew Dyer, helped me out with. . . dun, dun, dun. . . A Taxonomy of Batmen. Use the … Continue reading