What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?

Jill Kolongowski—I suppose if I were to answer this honestly, I’d have to say EVERY SCARY MOVIE EVER. I don’t do well with them because I have vivid nightmares. I stopped watching horror movies after The Ring, not necessarily because it’s the scariest movie ever, but because I could not get the images out of … Continue reading

October 25-31, 2010

This week is Halloween Week on The Idler! To close out a week of shudders and scares, in “Idle Thoughts,” The Idler’s writers answer the question “What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?” In “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent shares a story of an album, loved, lost, and rediscovered. Read “The ballad of Jackie Lomax” In “The … Continue reading

The ballad of Jackie Lomax

In 1995, I had just turned 21. I had just gotten into the Beatles. Late? Yeah. I had seen a documentary on PBS called The History of Rock and Roll, a really great program in ten parts. This program spun me into many different musical directions: Punk, Patti Smith, the Clash, and the Orb. The … Continue reading

How AMC and TCM saved my Halloween

Every year I lament the state of the Halloween horror movie marathon.  Sure, networks try (A Friday the 13th here, a Nightmare on Elm Street there), but it almost always feels like an obligation and not the indulgence it should be.  What’s Halloween without a proper horror marathon?  Thankfully, this year I didn’t have to ask. … Continue reading

Top 10 traumatizing childhood movie moments

It’s that time of year where we relish in the television programming of numerous month-long horror moviethons. It’s also that time of year when children’s fears are formed by inadvertently catching a glimpse of daddy’s favorite slasher flick. We’ve all been scarred by witnessing something we shouldn’t in movies and television at a young age. … Continue reading

The horror before words

Halloween is perfect for video games. In a sense, nearly everyone who turns on a video game is putting on a costume to run around as Mario, Master Chief, or a lovingly-crafted World of Warcraft avatar for just a little while. There’s also some scary, scary shit out there. The original Metroid is scary. Fighting … Continue reading

Suggested Halloween costumes for my party Saturday, baseball playoffs edition

1. A-Rod Wear: street clothes, South Beach-chic Have: a blonde with you; suggestions: Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson, Madonna Accessories: pile of damp Monopoly $1000 bills. Tell everyone you’re crying into your money. 2. Ryan Howard Wear: Phillies uniform Have: stunned, vacant look Accessories: a whole bunch of Ks, and a bat that stays right on … Continue reading

He had a name. It was Derrick.

Jill and the Great Pumpkin (truffles)

In anticipation of Halloween, I decided to do something that terrified me: I was going to attempt to make some candy. It was also my roommate Paige’s birthday, and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to avoid the awkward task of picking out a gift for someone you are newly friends with and … Continue reading

Girls talk

In a previous column I wrote about Elvis Costello’s very interesting show on Sundance, Spectacle with Elvis Costello. Talk, music, and special guests, the show offers much for many. I remember the first time I heard about Elvis Costello. It was in an X-Men comic when the Beast visited an old ex from his college … Continue reading