October 18-23, 2010

Today, in “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent uses Elvis Costello to demonstrate why anyone buys records ever (almost). Read “Girls talk” In “The Cinephiles,” Adam Simmons watches remakes: films so nice, they made them twice. Or not. Horror month continues in “Death, taxes, & remakes” In “Flipside,” Rosemary Van Deuren demonstrates why you need to read Kate … Continue reading

Death, taxes, & remakes

There are two things you can count on in life: Death and Taxes. I say add Remakes to the list. Remakes certainly aren’t a new trend. Alfred Hitchcock even remade one of his own films. The problem is that remakes have ceased to be an innovative take on an old story but instead have become … Continue reading

Speaking of remakes: The Crazies

I am far removed from George Romero’s original The Crazies, having only viewed it once and with little interest. It wasn’t specifically that it was too talky (it most certainly was). It was that it was too shouty, if that is a word (it most certainly isn’t). Must everyone shout about everything?! But I digress… Breck Eisner’s … Continue reading

Kate Beaton is smarter than all of us

Reading Kate Beaton’s comics makes me feel both smarter and dumber at the same time. If you haven’t heard of the Canadian cartoonist, I’m surprised. Because everyone I tried to show her work to when I first discovered it replied, “Heck yeah, I know her stuff! She’s aaaaawwwweeeesome.” But for those of you who don’t … Continue reading

The hot corner

Perhaps I am of the softball-playing age where I should begin to think of being put out to pasture—pasture, in this case, being the desolate expanse of the outfield known as right field. I have been a centerfielder for much of the time since returning to Lansing’s beer league co-ed rec division post-the birth of … Continue reading

Night terrors

Tying the apron strings

I was out of town this weekend, so I was able to make an excuse for being too lazy to go grocery shopping, even though that meant I was eating things like rice, green beans, cereal, and Sun Chips for dinner. By the time I got back, the East Coast was enjoying the remnants of … Continue reading


When do you mind contradicting yourself? I am about to now, right here in print, on the topic I discussed/ranted about in my last column: ultra expensive editions of music. I bring this up as I just read a release for the latest Brian Eno album, Small Craft On A Milk Sea, to be released … Continue reading

October 11-16, 2010

Today, in “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent drools over the incredibly overpackaged new Brian Eno and Keith Richards albums. (And you thought their concert tickets were expensive.) Read “Super-mega-ultra-deluxe” In “The Cinephiles,” Adam Simmons tells you which deranged knife murders (in the movies) you should really be afraid of, and Kevin Mattison observes that the scariest films … Continue reading

Heavyweights of horror

Freddy Krueger. Jason Voorhees. Michael Myers. Leatherface. Pinhead. These are the heavyweights of horror. With 35(!) movies and 6 remakes between them, these iconic characters have hacked, slashed, sliced, and diced their way through cinemas for 25+ years. There are other horror icons, Chucky from the Child’s Play series and Jigsaw from the Saw series … Continue reading