I’m thankful for…

Now is the time of year when we are forced asked to be thankful for something. Anything. Really, anything at all. Go ahead and think of something, I’ll wait. A few items topped my list: a girlfriend who talks to me, zero appearances in court, and a library of films and TV shows available for … Continue reading

EarthBound: Location, location, location

I will say this about EarthBound, it has no shortage of curveballs and it does take you to some strange locations. In a different role-playing game (RPG), some of the locations may not stand out so much, but given the “suburban” look and feel of most of the game, the more “unique” locales can be … Continue reading

Cranberries before you know it

I love Thanksgiving. It’s probably my favorite holiday of the year. I love that when it comes down to it, it’s really an entire holiday devoted to food. Yes, yes, there’s a bigger meaning, and it’s great to sit down and figure out what you’re thankful for, and blah, blah, blah, but the celebration itself … Continue reading

Giving thanks

Inside her annual Halloween card, my grandma had included a little paper slip of the Thanksgiving Day schedule, carefully typed and bolded. Because my grandparents were planning to go to Florida over Christmas, they wouldn’t be hosting our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, and would instead double up on Thanksgiving. We’d eat Thanksgiving dinner at one … Continue reading

November 25, 2011

The Idler is taking the week off for Thanksgiving, so we’ll be re-posting some of our favorite posts from the past few months.

After Danish film director Lars Von Trier’s remarks at the Cannes Film Festival in which he called himself a “Nazi” and “sympathetic to Hitler,” Kevin Mattison reflected on his own conflicted history watching Von Trier’s films in “A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 1”

And Kevin continued his gentle dissection of Lars Von Trier, finding evidence of his unique brand of aesthetic sadism in 2003’s The Five Obstructions and finally taking a close look at what might possibly have motivated him to call himself a Nazi at Cannes in “A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 2”

November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Idler is taking the week off for Thanksgiving, so we’ll be re-posting some of our favorite posts from the past few months.

You’ve read the Harry Potter books, you’ve seen the movies, you know all about what happens at the end. Except you’ve got it all wrong. J. K. Rowling says that Harry becomes an auror, but Gavin Craig lets you in on what really happens in “After the end: a Harry Potter counterfictional”

November 23, 2011

The Idler is taking the week off for Thanksgiving, so we’ll be re-posting some of our favorite posts from the past few months.

Sarah Werner watches the films of Paul Newman and comes to an inescapable conclusion. Read “Paul Newman is hot”

EarthBound: Dungeon Man in the sand

I am currently in the Egypt-themed country of Scaraba, and the story gets pretty interesting. By which I mean, strange. No surprise there, right? Upon arriving in Scaraba, I came upon an NPC on the edge of town and he informed me, “The fat kid did his business over there.” Sure enough, on the sand … Continue reading

November 22, 2011

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Dungeon Man in the sand” by Daniel J. Hogan

November 21, 2011

The Idler is taking the week off for Thanksgiving, so we’ll be re-posting some of our favorite posts from the past few months.

Jill Kolongowski doesn’t just look at you, she looks at what you’re drinking, and she judges you for it. Find out “What that drink says about you”