Our life with Adolf

Oh, Hitler! What would you have thought about how much literary and artistic inspiration your heinous political persona has given the world over the last seventy-odd years? It’s an interesting conundrum to think about how much influence the actions of this failed art student (enveloped in the form of a mad dictator) have had on … Continue reading

Make the road by walking

This morning I came the closest I’ve been to dreaming in months. Since I watched Inception, probably. Dreaming for me is only ever the illegitimate child of stress and careless imbibing, as a result dreams are closer to nightmares in which I must fix ALL of the things and save the mermaid village from the … Continue reading

Angst: a love story

My original plan for this evening was to shower and then spend three hours pondering the truth of how we never know what we’ve got ‘til it’s gone. But since my hot water has yet to return since running off with its druggie boyfriend my night is suddenly free for reading and reflection. Lucky you. … Continue reading

Everyday grotesque

Every once in a while I encounter a book that impresses me while simultaneously disappointing me by not reaching its potential. I stumbled across the NYT posts of Israeli comic artist and former editor of the Hebrew edition of MAD Magazine Rutu Modan more than a year ago and was completely enamored with her short … Continue reading

My clash at Demonhead

Scott Pilgrim: 23 years old. Rating: Awesome. When Scott Pilgrim and his precious little life migrated to our purple-mountained land from our neighbor to the north, I slept right through it. I was determined to make up for my lack of fandom once the movie gossip took flight. Michael Cera, you say? Mae Whitman of … Continue reading

Watching out for Alison Bechdel

The post-holiday, non-magical half of the winter is officially upon us, folks, bringing with it salt hardened pant legs and frozen lungs. If there’s one thing I like about the reclusive dog days of winter, it’s all the extra time that having no life frees up for reading. Fact: without distractions like sun, friends, and … Continue reading