Drawn and Paneled: year one

When I was first asked to write for The Idler I was crushed that I couldn’t do it. I had just accepted a job in Boston and had three weeks to leave my position at the Michigan House of Representatives, fly to Boston, apartment hunt, fly back to Michigan, pack, and drive to the Eastern … Continue reading

Book reviews for the comic lover’s soul

I’ve been noticing things getting more graphic. I see comics everywhere—on billboards and the subway and nerdy girls’ Adrian Tomine tote bags. There’s an entire section in a local comic shop devoted to graphic versions of the classics. You can read Jane Erye in word bubbles, friends. That shit has been drawn and paneled. Suddenly … Continue reading

Truth & beauty bombs

The warm weather’s back, comicomrades! You might remember me telling you once upon a winter that I read exponentially more when I can see my breath outside. That statement was stunningly accurate. Sure, I now have the option of reading a zombie novel under a tree in the commons while I get Hemingway drunk on … Continue reading

Smart Girl at the Party: Web Comic Round Up, Part III

Okay kids, this week we’re back to the round up. I hope you all know how hard it’s been for me NOT to make a rodeo joke, but I know no one appreciates a clown. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. I wasn’t familiar with this comic before my poll, but now that it’s on my radar … Continue reading

Unlikely bedfellows

The other day I was taking my nerdiness to a whole new level on poetryfoundation.org. A friend had tipped me off to a series the site ran a few years ago called “The Poem as Comic Strip.” The project asks some of the most respected and celebrated comic artists of today to interpret any poem … Continue reading

Webcomic roundup, part II

When I asked my friends to suggest web comics the response I received was a little staggering. I had no idea they had been holding out on me like that—I hadn’t heard of at least half of the comics mentioned. I’m sure you’re all through the last bunch by now. Let’s while away our day … Continue reading

Webcomic roundup, part I

It occurred to me that in these dark and difficult times we’re all looking for more ways to waste time on the internet. With the hours between 9 to 5 and 11 to 4am seemingly endless, it’s not always easy to stumble upon websites to fill your time. Amirite? Of course I am. After a … Continue reading

The home of the strange

I know that being an adult and missing home is unspeakably lame. Which is why I’m writing about it. If we’re being honest, and I hope that by now we are, lately I’ve been as homesick as a tween at straight camp. It’s a strange experience, feeling transplanted. The midwest is terribly different from east … Continue reading

Make the road by walking

This morning I came the closest I’ve been to dreaming in months. Since I watched Inception, probably. Dreaming for me is only ever the illegitimate child of stress and careless imbibing, as a result dreams are closer to nightmares in which I must fix ALL of the things and save the mermaid village from the … Continue reading

Angst: a love story

My original plan for this evening was to shower and then spend three hours pondering the truth of how we never know what we’ve got ‘til it’s gone. But since my hot water has yet to return since running off with its druggie boyfriend my night is suddenly free for reading and reflection. Lucky you. … Continue reading