Smart Girl at the Party: Web Comic Round Up, Part III

Okay kids, this week we’re back to the round up. I hope you all know how hard it’s been for me NOT to make a rodeo joke, but I know no one appreciates a clown.

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. I wasn’t familiar with this comic before my poll, but now that it’s on my radar I’m noticing that a lot of people I like really like it. The comic is funny in a nerd-meets-cynic vein, but not in a gimmicky way. It’s definitely not for everyone, it’s a little science heavy. But if you’re sarcastic and tend to distrust the thinking-power of others you’ll love it. Also, the comic makes gay jokes that don’t leave me incredibly insulted,  which is always a plus.

PhD  (Piled Higher and Deeper) comics. This is another comic for the smarties, mostly commiserating/making fun of the glamorous life in the research trenches experienced by grad students. Hours in the library and lab, instant coffee, fine ramen cuisine  any time your little black heart desires. I like this comic because it makes me really happy that I’m not in a dark enough place to go to grad school. Also, it uses a lot of words and I get most of the jokes.

The final smart comic of the week is none other than Kate Beaton’s Hark! A Vagrant. I like to think of this as the ultimate smart girl comic. You might recall Rosemary Van Deuren’s excellent piece: Kate Beaton is Smarter than All of Us. It’s still true. This comic is funny in a hot-librarian-making-Shakespeare-puns kind of way. Luckily, that is one of two languages in which I am fluent. Lit jokes aside, Hark! A Vagrant is best known for its historical comics. These often focus on a historical figure or event and are effin’ hilarious. Except this one, this one is grisly as fck.

Any guesses on this week’s winner? Really, not one guess? This week’s nonexistent prize goes to Hark! A Vagrant, for making me feel secure in my love of Poe jokes.

Do you have a favorite in the Round Up so far? Or another comic to recommend? Send me your comments on twitter: @kate_sloan.

2 Responses to “Smart Girl at the Party: Web Comic Round Up, Part III”
  1. rosemaryvandeuren says:

    It’s not a web comic round-up without Kate Beaton. Thanks for the shout out! ;)

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