Thoughts on Gaga

Doesn’t it seem like there are equivalents to Lady Gaga arriving on the scene every few years like clockwork? Someone that is different from the rest of the landscape, thrown into the spotlight, who dominates and then fades. Sometimes they aren’t a disappearing act. Sometimes there is something in the music that allows for a … Continue reading

The good, the bad, and the Gaga

I love Lady Gaga—her power, her passion, her snake-skin Alexander McQueen armadillo/hoof shoes. As someone who enjoys kitsch, camp, pop culture and excess, Gaga’s arrival on the world stage was exciting, titillating and dangerous. Why dangerous? Well, I liked her immediately, but I pretended to myself that this wasn’t the case. She’s too pop. Too … Continue reading

Hagen, Galas, Gaga: The evolution of the post-punk chanteuse

Like many witness to the Lady Gaga phenomenon, I saw the burgeoning celebrity popping up here and there in her eye-catching, show-stopping ensembles, and I had no idea what her music sounded like. I pictured a possibly screeching and borderline unlistenable (in the best possible way, of course) new incantation of opera-slayer Diamanda Galas: a … Continue reading

I want your ugly

When I learned that The Idler was going to devote a week to The Lady herself (Gaga, that is), I thought The F Word might have to opt out, due to obvious subject matter constraints. As I thought more about it, though, I started thinking about the reasons I named this column what I did. … Continue reading

Not ready