Wayne Barlowe

Wayne Barlowe is a living legend in the world of science fiction painting and creature art. Classically-trained at The Cooper Union, he became an award-winning author at age twenty-one with his first painted book, Barlowe’s Guide to Extraterrestrials (1979). Since then, his work has been seen in Life, Time and Newsweek magazines, on trading cards … Continue reading

PopHeart: year one

Don and the kids

1. What was your first column? My first column was “Bad (so bad that it’s good?) romance.” It discussed the ways in which I feel I should be more sophisticated, refined, adult and all the ways that I feel I don’t meet those expectations. I have to say that those issues are still a part … Continue reading

Movie sign with Mystery Science Theater 3000

Mystery Science Theater 3000 is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I watched it on Comedy Central back in the day, and followed it to its new home on the Sci-Fi Channel in the late 1990s. Heck, I even watched the Mystery Science Theater Hour, which broke episodes up into two-part, 60-minute … Continue reading

Year One: Editors’ picks

The editors of The Idler are a shadowy, self-effacing crew. But to help celebrate the site’s birthday, they put together a list (in no particular order) of some of their favorite pieces from The Idler‘s most frequent columnists. It’s been an amazing first year, and they claim to be very much looking forward to the … Continue reading

Thoughtcicles: year one

1. What was your first column? My first column was “Batman, a memoir in media.” Kevin Mattison had been inviting and nudging me to write a piece for The Idler for a while (dude has faith in me) and my brain box just wasn’t feeling a good vibe with anything I would come up with. … Continue reading

The F-Word: year one

I’ll be honest. When I started writing “The F Word” a year ago, it was not my first choice. A regular writing gig? I wanted to have an excuse to read books and write about them, and maybe someone would read it. But I know myself. Reading a book every few weeks and having something … Continue reading

August 22-26, 2011

How is it that an ugly man like Serge Gainsbourg can make the dirtiest, sexiest music (with Brigitte Bardot, no less). Mike Vincent tries to figure it out in “Merde”

It’s not just for lonely people who spend a lot of time with their computer. Kate Sloan clues you in on why online dating sites are such a big part of the Boston social scene. Read “Dating and taxes”

Suffering from the mid-week blahs? Planning date night? Still suffering from a date night gone wrong? Whatever your viewing needs, Sarah Pavis gives you an indexed guide to the good stuff on Netflix. Read “Tonight on Netflix”

Tigers fans know that Brandon Inge was there during the bad in 2003, the good in 2006, and after a stint in the minors, he’s there now. Gavin Craig says that he’s going to enjoy it as long as it lasts in “Brandon comes back”

There’s an art to drinking tequila. Francine McKenna tells you what, when, and how in “Candy is dandy, but tequila tastes like Mexico”

Jill Kolongowski is officially in San Francisco now, but she’s not settled yet. She shares pictures of her new kitchen, as well as her search for a new routine in “Earthquakes and cupcakes”


So many things in today’s time feel like a novelty. Things that you can remember being special or unique are now standard. For the purpose of this piece, I’m thinking of music magazines coming with compact discs. The first magazine I remember with this added incentive was CMJ. CMJ stood for College Music Journal — … Continue reading

Dating and taxes

Listen up, tricks. I’ve been struggling with something lately, and that something is online dating. I’m not looking to online date per say, as I’m more than a little bit taken, but I’m not exactly asking for a friend either. You probably don’t know this but online dating sites are very prominent tools in the … Continue reading

Tonight on Netflix

Search = “popular” Tangled Winter’s Bone I Love You Phillip Morris Search = “indie + cred” Fish Tank Leaves of Grass Brick Search = “date + movie” Four Weddings and a Funeral Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Before Sunset Search = “get + me + laid” Moulin Rouge Romeo + Juliet The Red Violin … Continue reading