Date this, not that

We’ve all seen those little segments on fluffy morning “news” shows or the similar comparative layouts in fitness magazines — those ones that urge you to substitute one high-calorie meal for a delicious but healthier alternative. Eat this, not that, they say. You can have a black coffee, sausage sandwich and an orange for the … Continue reading

Dating and taxes

Listen up, tricks. I’ve been struggling with something lately, and that something is online dating. I’m not looking to online date per say, as I’m more than a little bit taken, but I’m not exactly asking for a friend either. You probably don’t know this but online dating sites are very prominent tools in the … Continue reading

Catharsis in F major

For the last several months I have been patiently seated in om position on a lofty pedestal of standards and expectations, under the impression that I was acting as a receptor for messages from the universe. Messages about romantic harmony and tolerance and a number of other virtues that catastrophe had tricked me into caring … Continue reading