Blood in the water cupcakes

Sorry, did you say the summer of 2012 would have The Dark Knight Rises, The Olympics, AND the 25th Anniversary of Shark Week? I couldn’t hear you over all the awesome. Having seen The Dark Knight Rises (twice) and having lost interest in the Olympics about halfway through, Shark Week is all I’ve been thinking … Continue reading

Biscuits and vegetarian gravy, with apologies

I’m a breakfast purist. Even if, like yesterday, I’m not up and out of bed until noon, I’m having breakfast for my first meal of the day. No cold pizza or soggy leftover bullshit. Breakfast is way too good to miss out on. I also have strict ideas about what breakfast should be. For example, … Continue reading

Valentine’s day: Double rainbow coconut cupcakes

I’ve never cared much about Valentine’s Day, one way or the other. I don’t moon over a romantic evening or loudly proclaim that it’s some corporate bullshit designed to play on our tender emotions in order to get us to buy diamonds and chocolate. I’d rather get worked up over something important, like getting blue-shelled … Continue reading

On the Hogwarts Express: Pumpkin Pasties

Because I’m in the process of moving across the country, cooking has been the farthest thing from my mind. I eat odd things at odd hours of the day and spend the rest of the time searching for things I’ve lost in one box or another, lamenting my less-than-stellar eating habits to anyone who will … Continue reading

The day-long barbecue

Despite writing about food and cooking, most of the time I’d rather just be eating. Eating is immensely more fun than cooking. But there are those rare days when I go all Betty Crocker and want to spend the day in the kitchen. Ever since the grocery store started carrying fresh ears of corn I’ve … Continue reading

I N C E P T I O N: Cookies

We interrupt our regularly scheduled healthy programming for some dessert. And probably diabetes. My boyfriend Charlie just moved to San Francisco for a new job. While I had my family’s help moving from Michigan to Boston, he called up some movers for most of his things, packed the rest into his car, and drove west. … Continue reading

Killer yeast

When my friend and Idler editor Gavin suggested that I make cinnamon rolls, I jumped at the chance. I love to bake—everything makes so much sense when you’re baking. There’s none of the stupid ambiguity that exists in cooking (cook until done? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?), and if you just follow directions, everything comes out … Continue reading