Brandon comes back

Last week, Detroit Tigers third baseman, catcher, centerfielder, oh-hell-put-him-anywhere-and-he’ll-play guy Brandon Inge was called up from the Tigers’ Triple-A affiliate in Toledo to join the starting lineup against left-handed pitchers. A ringing endorsement, I know. Inge was assigned to Toledo earlier this season when his hitting, never stellar, totally bottomed out — .177 in 239 … Continue reading

Candy is dandy, but tequila tastes like Mexico

I fell for tequila long before I ever traveled to Mexico. From what I remember — although tequila memories are always a bit blurry — I’ve never actually fallen because of tequila. That honor goes to the Mexican dark beer, Negra Modelo. Cerveza oscura — dark beer — was my drink of choice on the … Continue reading

Earthquakes and cupcakes

Hello from the west coast, dear readers, where I wake up three hours later than most of my friends and every day begins foggy and ends up clear-skied and perfect. My boxes are mostly unpacked, except for those ones labeled “?” and “I don’t even know.” (True story.) I sometimes look out the window and … Continue reading

August 15-19, 2011

Mike Vincent may be getting old, but the dance music he listened to (more than) 10 years ago still sounds fresh. Check out some tracks in “Euphoria”

“Indie Gamer” Andrew Simone gives you a list of “Things you should be paying attention to” in the video game world. Whether people who play single-player games are better people than people who play multi-player games is on that list. Battlefield 3, for example, is not.

As the triumphant return of “In the Queue” continues, Sarah Werner watches the films of Paul Newman and comes to an inescapable conclusion. Read “Paul Newman is hot”

Ana Holguin looks back on the past year of writing, not writing, and the meaning of the word “idle.” (Steve Carell, Weezer, and Sandra Oh have cameos.) Read “Prime suffering years”

Rosemary Van Deuren launches “Peeps to Watch Out For,” a series of interviews with up-and-coming creative people in the arts with “Apathy Angel, Judson Harmon, Nadia Aboulhosn, Seth Nayes”

Jill Kolongowski finishes the story of cooking for her awesome (and only slightly scary) grandparents. (Spoiler alert: There’s a flashback to a road trip that ends in a fistfight.) Read “Cigarettes and coffee: cooking for my grandparents, part 2”


When I was hired at Wherehouse Records in 1994 I was one of three new hires. One of the other two newbies was a fellow named Jim. Jim was (and is) a DJ and he was pretty instrumental in opening up my enjoyment of dance music. He would hip me to things I wasn’t listening … Continue reading

Things you should be paying attention to

1. Remember my Octodad review? Well, they are making a sequel thanks to Kickstarter. And they’ve re-released Octodad in celebration: In order to properly celebrate this occasion we’ve decided to release an updated version of Octodad 1 with TWO NEW LEVELS! Right now only the Windows v1.5 is available due to some issues with Mac’s … Continue reading

Paul Newman is hot

This will come as no surprise, but I’ll say it anyway: Paul Newman is hot. That description really doesn’t do him justice, though. He was so beautiful when he was young that it’s nearly painful. It’s not just his famously blue eyes — though, oh my, they make my heart skip a beat — or … Continue reading

Prime suffering years

Do you know who Marcel Proust is?…Yeah. French writer. Total loser. Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent 20 years writing a book almost no one reads. But he’s also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he uh… he gets down to the end of his life, and he looks back … Continue reading

Apathy Angel, Judson Harmon, Nadia Aboulhosn, Seth Nayes

“Peeps to Watch Out For” is a look at some of the next generation of up-and-coming creative people in the arts. For the first installment of this addition to The Idler, I’m excited to introduce you to four edgy and innovative performers, models and fashionistas who are creating buzz on the entertainment and fashion circuits … Continue reading

Cigarettes and coffee: cooking for my grandparents, part 2

(Continued from Part 1) I was anxious, drinking hot coffee, and sweating over a stove in 90-degree weather, but apparently alcohol was the answer. A door slammed in the driveway. My grandparents were 20 minutes early. My grandma came into the room with multiple trays of homemade desserts. We all could’ve had a had a … Continue reading