Finding order in kitchen chaos

Everyone has their own way of finding order. Maybe you wash your hands until they are cracked to keep from catching something. Maybe you vacuum the entire house every day. Maybe you fold your underwear and sort them by color. Maybe you organize your books by size. Each is a way to find order and … Continue reading

How to equip your kitchen

In the spirit of Labor Day, I’ve done as little cooking as possible. I did cook up some salmon for the boyfriend, so that he doesn’t completely despair that I’ll ever cook him a nice dinner again. Also I like salmon. As I’ve been unpacking boxes and outfitting my new kitchen, every day is like … Continue reading

Earthquakes and cupcakes

Hello from the west coast, dear readers, where I wake up three hours later than most of my friends and every day begins foggy and ends up clear-skied and perfect. My boxes are mostly unpacked, except for those ones labeled “?” and “I don’t even know.” (True story.) I sometimes look out the window and … Continue reading