Darwin Carmichael is karmically fkd, you guys

Are you worried you’re karmically fkd? Have you accidentally ruined a deity’s life? The time to repent is nigh. Probably your eternal damnation is not as much of a lock as this guy. Darwin Carmichael is karmically fkd, you guys. This should come as no surprise seeing as how his damnation is broadcast all over … Continue reading

Death, birth, rebirth

This week I decided it was time for some light reading to shepherd me through the dreary days of winter, these endless months when all of us on the east coast with 9-5’s do. Not. See. The sun. And so as to not break my tradition of doing the exact opposite of what I intend … Continue reading

Wanted: near misses and a little hope for love

I’m writing to you from the green line, one of the many trains that cuts Boston into manageable pieces for a small-town girl like me. I’ve recently discovered what a great place trains are for thinking: so loud that the noise merges into a kind of static quiet, so busy that peace wins out. It’s … Continue reading

Everyday grotesque

Every once in a while I encounter a book that impresses me while simultaneously disappointing me by not reaching its potential. I stumbled across the NYT posts of Israeli comic artist and former editor of the Hebrew edition of MAD Magazine Rutu Modan more than a year ago and was completely enamored with her short … Continue reading

A field guide to Questionable Content

I’m lucky enough to live in a city that’s home to an awesome library with a formidable (depending on your level of interest in Charlie Brown’s gang) comic collection. But if I remember correctly from growing up, a lot of libraries are kind of terrible. And because two of my posts so far are really … Continue reading

Watching the detectives

By nature I’m impatient. I find watching shows during their regular season excruciating, the week (or WEEKS) between episodes is an eternity. I’m strictly a marathon girl. I consume words and film voraciously. I watch entire seasons of a show on a Sunday. I read graphic novels in single sitting, breaking only for grilled cheese … Continue reading

On coming up short in a giant’s world

I fell for the art of Adrian Tomine when I subscribed to The New Yorker my junior year of college. His distinctive clean style has a way of leaving an impression. I saved every cover he did those few years I subscribed, and then one day my subscription ran out and I was too poor … Continue reading

Gaying up Gotham

I was always sure I loved Batman. In fact, I was so sure that I never took the time to actually get to know him. It was a celebrity crush that dissolved as quickly as when I read Bieber’s autobio: First Step 2 Forever: My Story. It’s not pretty, friends, this broken heart of mine. … Continue reading

My clash at Demonhead

Scott Pilgrim: 23 years old. Rating: Awesome. When Scott Pilgrim and his precious little life migrated to our purple-mountained land from our neighbor to the north, I slept right through it. I was determined to make up for my lack of fandom once the movie gossip took flight. Michael Cera, you say? Mae Whitman of … Continue reading

Watching out for Alison Bechdel

The post-holiday, non-magical half of the winter is officially upon us, folks, bringing with it salt hardened pant legs and frozen lungs. If there’s one thing I like about the reclusive dog days of winter, it’s all the extra time that having no life frees up for reading. Fact: without distractions like sun, friends, and … Continue reading