November 25, 2011

The Idler is taking the week off for Thanksgiving, so we’ll be re-posting some of our favorite posts from the past few months.
After Danish film director Lars Von Trier’s remarks at the Cannes Film Festival in which he called himself a “Nazi” and “sympathetic to Hitler,” Kevin Mattison reflected on his own conflicted history watching Von Trier’s films in “A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 1”
And Kevin continued his gentle dissection of Lars Von Trier, finding evidence of his unique brand of aesthetic sadism in 2003’s The Five Obstructions and finally taking a close look at what might possibly have motivated him to call himself a Nazi at Cannes in “A rock in the shoe: my love-hate relationship with Lars Von Trier, Pt. 2”