October 11-16, 2010

Today, in “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent drools over the incredibly overpackaged new Brian Eno and Keith Richards albums. (And you thought their concert tickets were expensive.) Read “Super-mega-ultra-deluxe”

In “The Cinephiles,” Adam Simmons tells you which deranged knife murders (in the movies) you should really be afraid of, and Kevin Mattison observes that the scariest films are usually the ones directed by people who don’t usually do horror films. Read “Heavyweights of horror” and “Horror? Or just plain horrible?”

In “Diary of a Casual Gamer,” Gavin Craig ponders the price of portability, and gets geeked over the pending re-release of the only shooter he’s ever loved. Read “Swords and a shooter”

In “Flipside,” Ana Holguin pines for My So-Called Life, and remembers the shoes of her Jordan. Read “Missing My So-Called Life

In “Rounding Third,” Angela Vasquez-Giroux checks her math and her playoff predictions, and finds both a little lacking. To make up for it, she makes a modest proposal. Read “Five is not the same as seven”

In “The F Word,” cold weather and the promise of soup serve as motivation for Jill Kolongowski to finally step beyond the scramble. Read “How I came to terms with poached eggs”

And a new comic by Zac Gorman

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