October 25-31, 2010

This week is Halloween Week on The Idler!

To close out a week of shudders and scares, in “Idle Thoughts,” The Idler’s writers answer the question “What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?”

In “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent shares a story of an album, loved, lost, and rediscovered. Read “The ballad of Jackie Lomax”

In “The Cinephiles,” Kevin Mattison celebrates the welcome return of a Halloween tradition, the horror movie marathon. Read “How AMC and TCM saved my Halloween” And as a Halloween Week special, Landen Celano lists his “Top 10 traumatizing childhood movie moments”

In “Diary of a Casual Gamer,” Gavin Craig says that sometimes you know that a game has been really successful when you have a hard time figuring out how to describe it. Read “The horror before words”

In “PopHeart,” Ana Holguin prescribes Buffy the Vampire Slayer as the perfect Halloween tonic. Awesome boots optional, but recommended. Read “On how she slays me Halloween and every day”

In “Rounding Third,” Angela Vasquez-Giroux shares her last-minute, playoff-inspired Halloween costume ideas. Read “Suggested Halloween costumes for my party Saturday, baseball playoffs edition”

In “The F Word,” Jill Kologowski makes pumpkin truffles for her roommate’s birthday because only mutants don’t like candy. Read “Jill and the Great Pumpkin (truffles)”

And a new comic from Zac Gorman

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