
A few weeks ago I was in my car, on my morning commute: 45 minutes of darkness. Somewhere between home and Interlochen I asked myself a question: Who is the American Syd Barrett? For those reading this who don’t know Syd I will try and summarize, briefly. Founder and early leader of Pink Floyd, went … Continue reading

The ballad of Jackie Lomax

In 1995, I had just turned 21. I had just gotten into the Beatles. Late? Yeah. I had seen a documentary on PBS called The History of Rock and Roll, a really great program in ten parts. This program spun me into many different musical directions: Punk, Patti Smith, the Clash, and the Orb. The … Continue reading

The final rip-off

I love the Rolling Stones. But man alive I am mad at them right now. Do they care? No. I don’t expect them to, why would they. I’m just one fan. But I do have to wonder how many others out there are feeling the way I’m feeling.

I’m not mad at the Stones for their latest records, a political stance or a fashion choice. I’m not wild about Keef’s cameo in the Pirates of the Caribbean film but am thrilled that he has let his hair go grey again. No, I am angry at the Stones for the travesty that they whipped out in the form of the reissues (plural) of their classic, overly lauded double LP Exile on Main Street.

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