October 24-28, 2011

Kevin Mattison doesn’t know how it happened, but he nearly missed Halloween, and AMC’s Fear Fest horror movie marathon. Fortunately, nearly missing and actually missing are totally different things. Tune in at the last minute with him in “I almost lost Halloween, or, How AMC saved my Halloween…again”

Mike Vincent has found himself a bit distracted lately, but he has a few samples of what’s been running around in his head (including video) in “Missing in action”

Can’t find your favorite childhood Halloween special on TV this year? Chances are pretty good that it’s on YouTube. Lindsey Malta gives you a guide in “Very special Halloween specials”

Ana Holguin wraps up her round up of her favorite new fall TV shows in “What I’m Watching: Roundup finale”

After The Dirty Dozen, but before The Expendables, there was Play Dirty, an action movie about Michael Caine pulling together a ragtag buch of recruits with troubled pasts to. . . oh, I’ll just let Daniel J. Hogan tell you about it in “Play Dirty”

The Gamers’ Club is playing EarthBound. Read “Hokey Pokey” by Daniel J. Hogan, “Make or break” by Gavin Craig, and “I loathe this game” by Andrew Simone

Gavin Craig launches a new column, “The Friendly Foodie,” with a non-apology for jerks and snobs. Read “Food, foodies, and jerks”