November 29-December 4, 2010

This week, in “Dysphonia,” Mike Vincent rings in the holiday season, not a day before the beginning of December. Read “Christmas music”

In “The Cinephiles” Kevin Mattison maps the space between a film that earns a viewer’s empathy, and one that simply tries to manipulate the viewer into tears. Read “Watching a sad movie? Why don’t you cry about it?”

In “The Indie Gamer,” Andrew Simone lists 4.1 indie games that you have to play if you want to be his friend. (Don’t fret, they’re all available for free.) Read “Essential indie games”

In “PopHeart,” Ana Holguin says that you should be watching Terriers on F/X. Before it gets cancelled. Even if you don’t love dogs. Really. (It’s not actually a dog show.) Read “Good dogs, or, Why you should be watching Terriers

In “Rounding Third,” Angela Vasquez-Giroux explain exactly why your Little League coach was full of crap when it can to teaching you how to swing a bat. Read “Basically, everything you’ve been taught is wrong”

In “The F Word,” Jill Kolongowski says that breakfast is perfect for those late-night cravings, and just leave those damn eggs alone if you want them to turn out right. Read “Breakfast for dinner”

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