The war against Christmas music

While writing my pieces on holiday music I dug out an old mix CD (remember those?) I have been making in one form or another over the past few years. I tried to collect tunes that were different than the usual, overdone Christmas tunes that ruin your radio flipping or casual shopping experiences. I had fun with those mixes, lots of fun. Over the past few years as the so-called “War Against Christmas” was being drummed up by propagandists, I thought the only way to describe this mix of new, fun Holiday tunes was The War Against Christmas Music.

This year’s mix is different than previous year’s mixes, some songs were added, some were dropped and the running time was capped at right around one hour. Perfect.

Please download the mix, burn it onto a CD for the car or listen to it on your chosen digital music device. Leave feedback if you will or just listen and enjoy the songs. And feel free to comment on songs that are missing or your own favorite Christmas music. Consider it a gift from us here at “Dysphonia” to you, our four loyal readers during this Holiday season.

And always remember, we say “Happy Holidays” this month because there are more than just one every year. Oh, one more thing. Yes the mix is supposed to begin the way it does. . .

3 Responses to “The war against Christmas music”
  1. Mike V says:

    Here is a link so you can go right to the mix…

    The War Against Christmas Music by Mike Vincent

  2. Jill Kolongowski says:

    Thanks, Mike! What a treat :)

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  1. […] Mike Vincent: Duke Pearson’s Merry Ole Soul on Blue Note. While not technically my favorite it is a helluva a disc to listen to under deep blue velvet skies. The disc dates from the late 60s and begins with the slinkiest version of “Sleigh Ride” you will EVER hear, played on piano and celeste. Just a great, soulful and groovy LP to celebrate the season with. (Hint hint, the version of “Sleigh Ride” is on my Christmas Mix, The War Against Christmas Music) […]

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