December 13-18, 2010

Maybe, just maybe, the greatest Christmas song ever? Well, maybe not, but Jimmy Fallon and Horatio Sanz have Mike Vincent saying “I wish it was Christmas”

You think you know what’s coming, but you’re wrong. Kevin Mattison writes about the complex, unexpected characters of Belgian filmmakers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne in “The eye of God”

Everyday life in the modern world is hard. Especially when you’re an octopus. Andrew Simone plays Octodad in “A day in the life”

After a lifetime of being nice, this Christmas, Ana Holguin reclaims her inner Grinch. Read “More coal, please!” (And pray that she doesn’t kick you in those shoes.)

It’s not really about playing third base in a skirt, Angela Vasquez-Giroux says, it’s about being better than you. (Although the skirt is really quite comfortable, short-pants man.) Read “Doing everything you do, in a skirt, or, Some thoughts on being a girl, doing boy things”

In “The F Word,” Jill Kolongowski makes butternut squash soup, even though she’s not totally sure that she likes butternut squash. Or shallots. Read “The butternut squash battle”

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