Bored at work?
Posted by Andrew Simone on February 24, 2011 · 2 Comments
Pathos is a strange, but delightful browser flash game/story thing about a boy who is impossible.

At roughly five minutes, it’s better experienced than explained.
The Great Gatsby (For NES)
The music is absolutely top shelf. A retro platformer, from the title screen, Gatsby completely captures the feel of the early NES games.

Of course, that’s because it was an NES game:
I found it at a yard sale. I bought it for 50 cents and went home to try it out. After dusting off my NES for like, 20 minutes I got it working, and jesus. So weird. Apparently it’s an unreleased localization of a Japanese cart called “Doki Doki Toshokan: Gatsby no Monogatari”
I clearly need to go to more garage sales.
The Company of Myself
As a self employed dude who spends most of his day in front of a computer, this game hit a little too close to home. The Company of Myself is puzzle platformer about a lonely hermit who can only rely on himself to solve his problems. The game’s wit is dry enough to make me suspect the developer was British.

The key to this game is patience.
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I love how several of the games you’ve linked to use relatively simple effects to be genuinely moving or unsettling. I’m a bit put off that The Company of Myself uses SPOILER ALERT an insanity motif at the end. END SPOILER It shortchanges the player’s emotional involvement with the character. Pathos is really nice, though. It’s a good twist, and sprung on you in a way that utilizes the player’s own dawning realization. Loved it.