March 21-26, 2011

Teal Amthor-Shaffer digs through her stuff, and tries to figure out how relationships so often embed themselves in objects, and how we decide which to hold on to and which to throw away. Read “Souvenirs”

Mike Vincent meditates on mortality and Polly Jean Harvey in “Stuck”

Darwin Carmichael is a long way from being right with the universe. This is bad news for him, but great news for us. Also, he has an awesome magic cat (manticore). Read Kate Sloan’s “Darwin Carmichael is karmically fkd, you guys”

The Gamers’ Club finishes Final Fantasy VII. Read “Now that’s an ending” by Gavin Craig, “The end” by Daniel J. Hogan, and “It is finished” by Andrew Simone

Kevin Mattison was never one for sports. Not playing them, anyway. In real life. Watching them is an entirely different matter, and apparently he’s not alone, as the best sport video games seem to put as much attention into simulating the experience of a broadcast game as in the mechanics of play itself. Read “Prime time presentation”

Ana Holguin takes a look at America’s newest touring comedy sensation, Charlie Sheen, and she’s not sure that she sees anything funny. Read “On winning and losing it”

In Jim Leyland, Angela Vasquez-Giroux finally finds an echo of the men who made her fall in love with baseball: Lance Parish, her father, and her abuelito. Read “Why I watch baseball, or, falling in love with Jim Leyland”

What happens when meeting your exercise goal doesn’t do what you thought it was going to do? Lindsey Malta tries to figure it out in “Eight weeks to nowhere”

Jill Kolongowski takes a look at American food disfunction, and her own struggles with the time and effort involved in putting together a real meal, and offers that a nap could help. Read “How we are hungry”

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